Agate Bay - Firewise Events

Every event we undertake helps protect our homes from wildfire, and helps preserve our homeowner's insurance. Don't wait: Harden your home to wildfire now!

Upcoming 2024 Events


Saturday June 1

Community Wildfire Preparedness Workshop 9:30-12:30pm

North Tahoe Event Center in Kings Beach. Please see the attached flyer to sign up using the QR code or REGISTER HERE by April 30th.

Saturday June 15th 2024


FREE for ALL Agate Bay residents! Bring your pine needles and cones, bagged or not, to the dumpsters at the tennis courts at the corner of Victoria and Pretoria roads from 9 - 2. Volunteers needed!

  • Pine needles and cones ONLY - no wood, no bark
  • Saturday June 15th 2024 9AM - 2PM
  • Questions/Concerns:
  • NO EARLY DROPOFFS - (Cameras in use)

Be there!



2024 Free Chipping of Limbs & Greenwaste

North Tahoe Fire Department offers free residental chipping of branches and small limbs to AgateBay Residents. NTFD has not yet posted their 2024 chipping schedule nor their online request form. Chipping schedule TBD:

Previous Events

Every event we undertake helps protect your home from wildfire, and helps preserve your homeowner's insurance.

SPEAKER: April Shackelford: North Tahoe Fire’s Forest Fuels Manager

Saturday - August 27 - 10 AM


Speaker April Shackelford presented current strategies employed by NT Fire for local forest health a fuels reduction management. Come join your community members to learn what NT Fire is doing to mitigate forest fuels in our area. We covered a range of topics including overall forest health and local ongoing fuels reduction work. Take a minute to learn the strategies being employed in our woods on our behalf.

Bring all your fire questions (as well as a chair).


2nd Annual Pine Needle & Greenwaste Event - June 2022

The 2nd Annual Greenwaste cleanup was an enormous success! Located on the corner of Victoria and Pretoria roads, we saw:

  • Over 97 yards of greenwaste collected
  • Three 30 yard dumpsters filled in 2 days
  • 56 households participated
  • Over 25 community member volunteers
  • Donations close to $400

Don't forget to join us next year!


Fire Hydrant Restoration - July 2021

Come join your community members in helping make Agate Bay safer. Our community events are enjoyable affairs where your workload is only as much as you commit to, and you're likely to make a friend or two along the way. And your efforts ultimately help yourself, as everything we do helps us all remain more insurable in the eyes of our homeowners insurance companies.

Our neighborhood Hydrant Painting Event was an enormous success. These newly painted hydrants are appreciated by firefighters in the event they need to locate one quickly.



Greenwaste Cleanup - June 2021

The community Greenwaste Cleanup event was held in 2021 and resulted in a significant decline in usable wildfire fuels in the Agate Bay neighborhood. Thanks to all who participaed and gave their time.

The successful results of The Great Pine Needle Roundup 2021. Residents had a chance to dispose of all their pine needles free of charge, thereby not only reducing the potential for their house to burn down, but also to decrease the chance of receiving a bill from Placer County under their new Curbside Inspection Program
